18809 65th Place West Lynnwood Washington
This is a split level house in a good neighborhood where values are rising.
It has 2,088 sq ft of living space plus a two car, 576 sq ft garage. It has four bedrooms and three bathrooms, including a master bedroom with bath. It has a full daylight basement and a two-car garage. It has hardwood floors upstairs in most areas.
There are apple and cherry trees in back.
The house sits on a 10,452 sq ft lot. There is easy gate access to the fully fenced backyard, where there is asphalt RV parking and room to build a shop and/or mother-in-law accessory dwelling unit.
Updated homes of this size in this area are selling for over $600,000.
In most ways this is a solid home. The inspector says this house “has good bones.”
But it needs general improvement, cleanup, junk removal, rehab, and lots of love. Plan on spending $50,000 to $75,000 or more. In my opinion – which you should confirm – a buyer who intends to occupy the property and who has construction knowledge can get a rehab loan and end up with a home with charm and built-in equity.
There is no key box. Showing by appointment only. Call James at 425-774-6611.
Click this link to see all documents, including the inspection report.
James Robert Deal
Real Estate Managing Broker & Real Estate Attorney
Broker License #: 27330
WSBA License #: 8103
PO Box 2276 Lynnwood WA 98036
Home Office Line: 425-774-6611
Home Office Fax: 425-776-8081
WSBA License # 8103
Broker License # 27330
eXp Realty Main Office:
2815 Elliott Ave, Suite 100
Seattle WA 98121
eXp DOL Licensing: 4484
NWMLS #: 9393
eXp Main Office Phone: 888-317-5197
We help buyers, sellers, brokers. Free telephone inquiries.
Fluoridation Is Done with Toxic Waste Filth – A Complete Absurdity
Door To Door Transit – The Only Way To Eliminate Congestion
3 Trillion Atoms of Lead in Each Liter of Everett Water
How To Remove Lead and Arsenic from Fluoridated Water Systems
Smart Meters, Coming to Snohomish County, Inferior in Every Way
White-Skies – Chemical Spraying-Coal Fly Ash Containing Filth
Green New Deal is Not Green Enough
Jimmie Deal’s Green Politics
Attorney Evaluation of Safe and Unsafe Vaccines
Religious Objections to Vaccines
Buy my book: The History and Theology of Food.
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Music By Jimmie Deal
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Call A Real Estate Attorney BEFORE You Buy or Sell
Call a real estate attorney BEFORE you buy or sell property. Call Attorney James Robert Deal at 425-774-6611. In many cases I offer a flat fee, payable at closing out of escrow.

How Much Is Your House Worth?
What is your Washington home worth? Click here to find out.

JRDeal-NewZ-12-13-17 CDC Manipulated Results Anthrax Vaccine Sickens Soldiers
JRDeal NewZ JAMES ROBERT DEAL Political Activist - Real Estate Attorney - Real Estate Broker 425-774-6611 December 3, 2017 Read Online at: DR. THOMPSON OF THE CDC ADMITS TRASHING DATA IN 2004, REVERSING...

Puget Sound Market Prices Up
Home prices in Seattle have doubled over the past five years.

Questions To Ask Before You Buy A Home
Questions to ask before you buy a home.

Prince Did Not Have A Will – Do You?
Prince died without a will. Do not make the same mistake.

Winter Gardening in Lynnwood
James Robert Deal - Winter Gardening Report - March 6, 2017 Even with temperatures down to 20 degrees F. in December of 2016 and January of 2017, vegetables in my back yard survived and supplied a steady diet of healthy greens, including: Italian kale, curly kale, red...

The Foreclosure Train Rolls On
Private corporations such as Loan Star and Caliber bought thousands of mortgages. The government pays them to modify mortgages, but they are quick to foreclose. They invest in high value instead of low value homes. They should be required to serve the interest of the local neighborhood as are banks. They should be regulated as banks.

Buy This Book – Chain of Title
Chain of Title How Three Ordinary Americans Uncovered Wall Street’s Great Foreclosure Fraud Purchase hardcover — $27.95 Available: April 2016 Hardcover 6 1/8 x 9 1/4 , 400 pages ISBN: 978-1-62097-158-1 Also available as an e-book David Dayen David Dayen is a...

You Need A Lawyer When Doing A Modification
You should be represented by an attorney when you are modifying your mortgage. Servicers break the rules.

Mortgage Modification Successes
Most of our clients are people who tried to modify their loans on their own and failed. Mortgage modifications are tricky. There are procedures which must be followed. When you do something wrong, the servicer does not tell you what you are doing wrong. The servicer...

Banks Losing Right to Require Arbitration
CFPB may allow consumers to sue banks and file class action cases. Banks will not be able to hide behind mandatory arbitration.

Bothell Real Estate Attorney
I am a real estate attorney serving Bothell, Washington. Contact me at 425-771-1110 or 888-999-2022.

Real Estate Attorney And Real Estate Broker
James Robert Deal is both a real estate agent and a real estate attorney practicing in Lynnwood Washington. If He is your broker, he does not charge extra for legal work related to your transaction.

What To Serve A Goddess When She Comes For Dinner Welcome To My Book I highly recommend it. I had a lot of fun writing it. My book has 464 page book. It is 8.5″ x 11″ in size. It weighs three pounds. It is a beautiful book. It comes autographed. I can autograph it...

Buyers With a Good Down Payment But Poor Credit
If you are a would-be buyer who has a good down payment and good income but poor credit, I am willing to help you buy property on a lease-option or contract basis. James Robert Deal, attorney and broker. 425-771-1110

Seeking Lease Option and Contract Sellers
Seeking Lease-Option and Seller Contract Sellers Open Phone Line to Brokers, Buyers, Sellers 425-774-6611 - 888-999-2022 I am working with several buyers who have strong income and good down payments but who have bad credit and cannot get financing. These buyers...

Let Freedom Ring – Song
Let Freedom Ring – a song by vaccine rights attorney Allan Phillips.

Underwater Properties – Short Sales – Modification
James Robert Deal, real estate attorney and real estate agent, handles mortgage modifications and short sales.

Condo Dues – Short Sale Then Bankruptcy
Deal with unpaid condo dues by short selling the condo and going through Chapter 7 bankruptcy.

Open Telephone Line
James Robert Deal, Attorney and Broker, in Lynnwood Washington

Blacks Against Mandatory Vaccination
African-American community rages against manditory vaccination in California and the Tuskegee-like crimes of mandatory vaccines that destroy black babies' lives

$5,000 Principal Reduction
Republicans want to put an end to HAMP and Making Home Affordable.

Services We Offer
We have an open telephone line to brokers, buyers, sellers, and clients in general who may need help with buying or selling real estate or who may need help with mortgage modification. Services we offer: Help to Brokers, Co-Brokering Escrow Setup Lease Option Deals...

Door-To-Door Transit
Door-To-Door Transit: The Only Solution To Our Traffic Nightmare by James Robert Deal, Attorney Traffic is bad and getting worse, and there is no solution in sight, as one would conclude from reading Eli Sanders’ “Welcome to Town, Here’s Why You’re Stuck in Traffic”...

Seller Financing History
AN ABBREVIATED HISTORY OF CREATIVE FINANCING AND SELLER FINANCING. The first form of financing was seller financing.

I Help Brokers Do Seller Financed Deals
Attorney James Robert Deal helps brokers structure seller financed real estate transactions.

Lease-Option Deals Open Doors
LEASE-OPTION AND LEASE PURCHASE DEALS A lease-option or lease-purchase deal is a form of seller financing. With the lease-option deal, title stays in the seller until the buyer refinances or resells or otherwise pays off the seller. The wrap-around deed of trust deal...

Helping Sellers With Seller Financing
Attorney James Robert Deal helps sellers who are sell using seller financing, including assumptions, wrap-arounds, real estate contracts, or lease option.

Servicers Make More Money By Modifying Than By Foreclosing
Thanks to Martin Andleman and Mandleman Matters Why Does Ocwen Want to Modify Loans? Answer: Because they profit by doing so. In case you haven’t noticed, over the last month or so there’s been an ongoing debate of sorts happening on Mandelman Matters as to...

Zombie Foreclosures
CFPB: Zombie foreclosures hurt borrowers The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is keeping an eye on “zombie” foreclosures, which it worries cause “direct borrower harm,” according to a CFPB executive. Zombie foreclosures occur when a bank starts the foreclosure...

New Federal Rules on Foreclosure
New Federal Rules on Foreclosure —By Erika Eichelberger - Thanks to Mother Jones On Thursday, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the federal consumer watchdog set up by the Dodd-Frank financial reform bill, announced a new set of foreclosure-prevention...
Washington MERS Suits Fail
Judges Dismiss MERS Suits By Evan Nemeroff Two borrower-initiated lawsuits alleging that the Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems role in the plaintiffs' deeds of trust caused them injury were both dismissed by federal judges in the Western District of Washington...
Eminent Domain – Tool For Principal Reduction
There are homes by the thousand in which the home mortgage is in default and in many cases the homes are abandoned. These are homes where the mortgages are held in pooled servicing agreements, which do not allow foreclosure until certain conditions have been met, such...

Chapter 13 Plan Duration
No Minimum Time Length For The Ninth Circuit by Bankruptcy Law Network (BLN) Written by Michael G. Doan Thanks to

Modification on Rental
It is harder to get a mortgage modification on a rental property than it is on an owner occupied property. The rules are not as clear. You need a higher income to qualify for a rental modification because you have to be able to cover your home mortgage. Nevertheless,...

Making Home Affordable Continues
HAMP continues aiding borrowers Three firms still fall short in meeting servicing goals. Thanks to Housing Wire. Kerri Ann Panchuk December 9, 2013 4:48PM Bank of AmericaCitiTreasuryHome Affordable Modification ProgramHAMPhomeownersObama AdministrationHousing...

Rental Property Modification
This is a rental property modification. Ocwen was the servicer, and the investor was Washington Mutual and now Chase. The owner quit paying for 20 months, and the balance rose to $254,000. The interest rate was already under 3.0%, because this was an adjustable rate...

$157,105 Wells Fargo Principal Reduction
JS is a hard working taxi driver. He came to us after a financial hardship, including a divorce. Ocwen is his servicer, however, the important fact is that Wells Fargo is the investor, the owner of his mortgage. Wells Fargo gives principal reductions because it was...

Wells Fargo – 3 Year Modification
It is a long story, which I will tell later. For now I will just share the link with you and tell you that this modification took three years to complete. Here is the link:...

What is a Bankruptcy Preference? by KENT ANDERSON on AUGUST 16, 2010 A bankruptcy preference is a transfer made shortly before the case is filed that the trustee can take back from one creditor and share with all the other creditors. The transfer must be of money or...

Principal Reduction Modification
We just negotiated this excellent modification with Bank of America. The interest rate was reduced to 2.0%. The principal balance was reduced by $131,000.

Condemn Underwater Mortgages – Martin Andelman
Carpe Domum! The Little City that Could: Richmond, California THANKS TO MARTIN ANDELMAN Come with me to the City of Richmond in Northern California. It’s a city that sits 16 miles northeast of San Francisco, directly across San Francisco Bay. It’s about a 30-minute...

How Long Before I Can File BK Again?
How Long Before I Can File Bankruptcy Again? There is no limit on the number of bankruptcy cases that one may file, nor on the time which must pass between filings. The only catch is that if insufficient time has past between filings, you will not receive a discharge....

Deceptive Practices in Foreclosures
Deceptive Practices in Foreclosures Thanks to the New York Times September 13, 2013 In early 2012 when five big banks settled with state and federal officials over widespread foreclosure abuses, flagrant violations — including the seizure of homes without due process...

Low Modification Approval Rate
This post comes from Martin Andelman. The low approval rate on modifications Martin discusses is the main reason why you should hire an attorney to do your modification. Our success rate on modifications is much higher, around 80%. Of course, part of the reason why...

Bankruptcy Timing
Bankruptcy Timeline Posted on August 21, 2013 by Jonathan Mitchell Thanks to Attorney Jonathan T. Mitchell. Caution: This timeline does not include all bankruptcy events. It is a summary description of bankruptcy and may not be accurate under all circumstances. You...

Renters’ Rights in Foreclosure`
Renters in Foreclosure: What Are Their Rights? Federal law gives important rights to tenants whose landlords have lost their properties through foreclosure. Renters and tenants are now being affected by foreclosures almost as often as homeowners. The financial...

Eminent Domain To Modify Loans
A City Invokes Seizure Laws to Save Homes Peter DaSilva for The New York Times Thanks to New York Times. Robert and Patricia Castillo paid $420,000 for a three-bedroom, one-bathroom home in Richmond, Calif., in 2005. It is now worth $125,000. By SHAILA DEWAN...

Fannie and Freddie Loosen Modification Guidelines
FHFA expands suite of loan mod tools By Kerri Ann Panchuk • March 27, 2013 • 9:00am Servicers dealing with loans guaranteed or owned by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will soon be required to offer eligible distressed borrowers ways to lower their monthly payments if the...

Call A Real Estate Attorney BEFORE You Buy or Sell
Call a real estate attorney BEFORE you buy or sell property. Call Attorney James Robert Deal at 425-774-6611. In many cases I offer a flat fee, payable at closing out of escrow.

How Much Is Your House Worth?
What is your Washington home worth? Click here to find out.

JRDeal-NewZ-12-13-17 CDC Manipulated Results Anthrax Vaccine Sickens Soldiers
JRDeal NewZ JAMES ROBERT DEAL Political Activist - Real Estate Attorney - Real Estate Broker 425-774-6611 December 3, 2017 Read Online at:...

Puget Sound Market Prices Up
Home prices in Seattle have doubled over the past five years.

Questions To Ask Before You Buy A Home
Questions to ask before you buy a home.

Prince Did Not Have A Will – Do You?
Prince died without a will. Do not make the same mistake.

The Foreclosure Train Rolls On
Private corporations such as Loan Star and Caliber bought thousands of mortgages. The government pays them to modify mortgages, but they are quick to foreclose. They invest in high value instead of low value homes. They should be required to serve the interest of the local neighborhood as are banks. They should be regulated as banks.

Buy This Book – Chain of Title
Chain of Title How Three Ordinary Americans Uncovered Wall Street’s Great Foreclosure Fraud Purchase hardcover — $27.95 Available: April 2016...

You Need A Lawyer When Doing A Modification
You should be represented by an attorney when you are modifying your mortgage. Servicers break the rules.

Mortgage Modification Successes
Most of our clients are people who tried to modify their loans on their own and failed. Mortgage modifications are tricky. There are procedures...

Banks Losing Right to Require Arbitration
CFPB may allow consumers to sue banks and file class action cases. Banks will not be able to hide behind mandatory arbitration.

Bothell Real Estate Attorney
I am a real estate attorney serving Bothell, Washington. Contact me at 425-771-1110 or 888-999-2022.

Real Estate Attorney And Real Estate Broker
James Robert Deal is both a real estate agent and a real estate attorney practicing in Lynnwood Washington. If He is your broker, he does not charge extra for legal work related to your transaction.

What To Serve A Goddess When She Comes For Dinner Welcome To My Book I highly recommend it. I had a lot of fun writing it. My book has 464 page...

Buyers With a Good Down Payment But Poor Credit
If you are a would-be buyer who has a good down payment and good income but poor credit, I am willing to help you buy property on a lease-option or contract basis. James Robert Deal, attorney and broker. 425-771-1110

Seeking Lease Option and Contract Sellers
Seeking Lease-Option and Seller Contract Sellers Open Phone Line to Brokers, Buyers, Sellers 425-774-6611 - 888-999-2022 I am working with...

Let Freedom Ring – Song
Let Freedom Ring – a song by vaccine rights attorney Allan Phillips.

Underwater Properties – Short Sales – Modification
James Robert Deal, real estate attorney and real estate agent, handles mortgage modifications and short sales.

Condo Dues – Short Sale Then Bankruptcy
Deal with unpaid condo dues by short selling the condo and going through Chapter 7 bankruptcy.

Open Telephone Line
James Robert Deal, Attorney and Broker, in Lynnwood Washington

Blacks Against Mandatory Vaccination
African-American community rages against manditory vaccination in California and the Tuskegee-like crimes of mandatory vaccines that destroy black...

$5,000 Principal Reduction
Republicans want to put an end to HAMP and Making Home Affordable.

Services We Offer
We have an open telephone line to brokers, buyers, sellers, and clients in general who may need help with buying or selling real estate or who may...

Door-To-Door Transit
Door-To-Door Transit: The Only Solution To Our Traffic Nightmare by James Robert Deal, Attorney Traffic is bad and getting worse, and there is no...

Seller Financing History
AN ABBREVIATED HISTORY OF CREATIVE FINANCING AND SELLER FINANCING. The first form of financing was seller financing.

I Help Brokers Do Seller Financed Deals
Attorney James Robert Deal helps brokers structure seller financed real estate transactions.

Lease-Option Deals Open Doors
LEASE-OPTION AND LEASE PURCHASE DEALS A lease-option or lease-purchase deal is a form of seller financing. With the lease-option deal, title stays...

Helping Sellers With Seller Financing
Attorney James Robert Deal helps sellers who are sell using seller financing, including assumptions, wrap-arounds, real estate contracts, or lease option.

Servicers Make More Money By Modifying Than By Foreclosing
Thanks to Martin Andleman and Mandleman Matters Why Does Ocwen Want to Modify Loans? Answer: Because they profit by doing so. In case you...

Zombie Foreclosures
CFPB: Zombie foreclosures hurt borrowers The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is keeping an eye on “zombie” foreclosures, which it worries cause...

New Federal Rules on Foreclosure
New Federal Rules on Foreclosure —By Erika Eichelberger - Thanks to Mother Jones On Thursday, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the federal...
Washington MERS Suits Fail
Judges Dismiss MERS Suits By Evan Nemeroff Two borrower-initiated lawsuits alleging that the Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems role in the...
Eminent Domain – Tool For Principal Reduction
There are homes by the thousand in which the home mortgage is in default and in many cases the homes are abandoned. These are homes where the...

Chapter 13 Plan Duration
No Minimum Time Length For The Ninth Circuit by Bankruptcy Law Network (BLN) Written by Michael G. Doan Thanks...

Modification on Rental
It is harder to get a mortgage modification on a rental property than it is on an owner occupied property. The rules are not as clear. You need a...

Making Home Affordable Continues
HAMP continues aiding borrowers Three firms still fall short in meeting servicing goals. Thanks to Housing Wire. Kerri Ann Panchuk December 9, 2013...

Rental Property Modification
This is a rental property modification. Ocwen was the servicer, and the investor was Washington Mutual and now Chase. The owner quit paying for 20...

$157,105 Wells Fargo Principal Reduction
JS is a hard working taxi driver. He came to us after a financial hardship, including a divorce. Ocwen is his servicer, however, the important fact...

Wells Fargo – 3 Year Modification
It is a long story, which I will tell later. For now I will just share the link with you and tell you that this modification took three years to...

What is a Bankruptcy Preference? by KENT ANDERSON on AUGUST 16, 2010 A bankruptcy preference is a transfer made shortly before the case is filed...

Principal Reduction Modification
We just negotiated this excellent modification with Bank of America. The interest rate was reduced to 2.0%. The principal balance was reduced by...

Condemn Underwater Mortgages – Martin Andelman
Carpe Domum! The Little City that Could: Richmond, California THANKS TO MARTIN ANDELMAN Come with me to the City of Richmond in Northern...

How Long Before I Can File BK Again?
How Long Before I Can File Bankruptcy Again? There is no limit on the number of bankruptcy cases that one may file, nor on the time which must pass...

Deceptive Practices in Foreclosures
Deceptive Practices in Foreclosures Thanks to the New York Times September 13, 2013 In early 2012 when five big banks settled with state and...

Low Modification Approval Rate
This post comes from Martin Andelman. The low approval rate on modifications Martin discusses is the main reason why you should hire an attorney to...

Bankruptcy Timing
Bankruptcy Timeline Posted on August 21, 2013 by Jonathan Mitchell Thanks to Attorney Jonathan T. Mitchell. Caution: This timeline does not include...

Renters’ Rights in Foreclosure`
Renters in Foreclosure: What Are Their Rights? Federal law gives important rights to tenants whose landlords have lost their properties through...

Eminent Domain To Modify Loans
A City Invokes Seizure Laws to Save Homes Peter DaSilva for The New York Times Thanks to New York Times. Robert and Patricia Castillo paid $420,000...

Fannie and Freddie Loosen Modification Guidelines
FHFA expands suite of loan mod tools By Kerri Ann Panchuk • March 27, 2013 • 9:00am Servicers dealing with loans guaranteed or owned by Fannie...

Lenders Lie to Modification Applicants
We have found that Lenders often take advantage of those who apply for modification on their own. Lenders tell them they have not received certain...