18809 65th Place West Lynnwood Washington
This is a split level house in a good neighborhood where values are rising.
It has 2,088 sq ft of living space plus a two car, 576 sq ft garage. It has four bedrooms and three bathrooms, including a master bedroom with bath. It has a full daylight basement and a two-car garage. It has hardwood floors upstairs in most areas.
There are apple and cherry trees in back.
The house sits on a 10,452 sq ft lot. There is easy gate access to the fully fenced backyard, where there is asphalt RV parking and room to build a shop and/or mother-in-law accessory dwelling unit.
Updated homes of this size in this area are selling for over $600,000.
In most ways this is a solid home. The inspector says this house “has good bones.”
But it needs general improvement, cleanup, junk removal, rehab, and lots of love. Plan on spending $50,000 to $75,000 or more. In my opinion – which you should confirm – a buyer who intends to occupy the property and who has construction knowledge can get a rehab loan and end up with a home with charm and built-in equity.
There is no key box. Showing by appointment only. Call James at 425-774-6611.
Click this link to see all documents, including the inspection report.
James Robert Deal
Real Estate Managing Broker & Real Estate Attorney
Broker License #: 27330
WSBA License #: 8103
PO Box 2276 Lynnwood WA 98036
Home Office Line: 425-774-6611
Home Office Fax: 425-776-8081
WSBA License # 8103
Broker License # 27330
eXp Realty Main Office:
2815 Elliott Ave, Suite 100
Seattle WA 98121
eXp DOL Licensing: 4484
NWMLS #: 9393
eXp Main Office Phone: 888-317-5197
We help buyers, sellers, brokers. Free telephone inquiries.
Fluoridation Is Done with Toxic Waste Filth – A Complete Absurdity
Door To Door Transit – The Only Way To Eliminate Congestion
3 Trillion Atoms of Lead in Each Liter of Everett Water
How To Remove Lead and Arsenic from Fluoridated Water Systems
Smart Meters, Coming to Snohomish County, Inferior in Every Way
White-Skies – Chemical Spraying-Coal Fly Ash Containing Filth
Green New Deal is Not Green Enough
Jimmie Deal’s Green Politics
Attorney Evaluation of Safe and Unsafe Vaccines
Religious Objections to Vaccines
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40 Million McMansions
America has 40 million McMansions that no one wants By Christopher Mims 9 Feb 2012 11:12 AM Americans, especially generations X and Y, want shorter commutes, walkability and a car-free existence. Which means that around 40 million large-lot exurban McMansions,...
Second Mortgage Time Bomb
Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Time Bomb: Mortgage Modification by Eugene S. Melchionne, Connecticut Bankruptcy Lawyer One of the major benefits of Chapter 13 Bankruptcy is the ability to avoid second mortgages that are not secured by any value in your home. By following...
Ocwen Backs Principal Reductions
Ocwen Backs Principal Reductions, Mandatory Outsourcing to Improve HAMP By: Carrie Bay 03/03/2010 Ocwen Financial Corporation has one of the industry’s most impressive track records when it comes to restructuring loans under the federal guidelines of the Home...
Farmer – Fisher Chapter 12 Bankruptcy
Chapter 12 Bankruptcy 2inShare by Douglas Jacobs, California Bankruptcy Attorney A largely forgotten form of Consumer bankruptcy is Chapter 12. Although geared for a family farmer or fisherman, they are designed to be filed by consumers rather than companies. A...
Mortgage Settlement Reached: A Beginning, Not an End
Mortgage Settlement Reached: A Beginning, Not an End George Zornick on February 9, 2012 - 11:05am ET It’s finally here: a massive settlement, worth $25 billion, with five major banks over mortgage fraud abuses. The federal government and forty-nine state attorneys...
Forgery in Missouri Foreclosures
Company Faces Forgery Charges in Missouri Foreclosures By GRETCHEN MORGENSON Published: February 6, 2012 One of the largest companies that provided home foreclosure services to lenders across the nation, DocX, has been indicted on forgery charges by a Missouri grand...
An Easier Path to Refinancing
February 4, 2012 An Easier Path to Refinancing It is only a first step toward healing the economy’s biggest open wound, but President Obama’s new mortgage refinancing plan could provide considerable relief for millions of homeowners shackled to high interest rates. If...
Bankruptcy: What Are You Waiting For?
Bankruptcy: What Are You Waiting For? by Dana Wilkinson, Attorney at Law Happy Groundhog Day! Lately the same refrain keeps cropping up in my practice: why did you wait so long? I understand that very few people want to file bankruptcy, and I agree that the...
Facing Foreclosure? You May Have Options
Facing Foreclosure? You May Have Options If yours is one of the nation’s estimated 14 million troubled mortgages, it can seem as though you are running out of options. But help may be on the way: “Homeowners unable to meet their current mortgage payments may...
Top 15 Lies About Bankruptcy
Top 15 Lies About Bankruptcy by Brett Weiss, Maryland Bankruptcy Attorney Bankruptcy is an area of the law that people avoid. They don’t want to think that they might need its protections one day, and as a result, lies about what it can and can’t do, and what happens...
Freddie Mac Screws Up Again
January 30, 2012 Treasury Investigates Freddie Mac Investment By SHAILA DEWAN The Treasury Department is investigating a report that Freddie Mac, the mortgage giant, bet against homeowners’ ability to refinance their loans even as it was making it more difficult for...
Bankruptcy & Taxes
What Can I Do When Bankruptcy Doesn’t Get Rid Of The Tax? by Kent Anderson, Oregon Bankruptcy Attorney Bankruptcy can stop collection and eliminate tax debt in many situations. For more details on tax discharge see the article I wrote about Bankruptcy Tax...
Why Your Servicer Does Not Want To Modify Your Loan
No Modification for You! by Chip Parker, Jacksonville Bankruptcy Attorney For the last few years, I have witnessed a steady stream of homeowners flowing through my office who are dumbfounded by their inability to get a mortgage modification. And for years, I have...
Independent Foreclosure Review
Background The Federal Reserve Board issued enforcement actions against four large mortgage servicers --GMAC Mortgage, HSBC Finance Corporation, SunTrust Mortgage, and EMC Mortgage Corporation--in April 2011. Under those actions, the four servicers were required to...
Swindlers, Liars, and Frauds
Problems Continue with HAMP
HAMP Not Working As Planned Recent figures show that only a small fraction of homeowners are seeing any kind of permanent relief under the federal Making Homes Affordable Program (HAMP), and fewer consumers are applying for the program, leading one well-known...
Attorney Shawn Newman on Foreclosure Defense
Mortgage wizard interviews Attorney Shawn Newman on foreclosure defense.
Freddie & Fannie’s Mortgage Shell Game
Welcome to Freddie and Fannie’s Mortgage Shell Game By Shawn Timothy Newman, J.D. Adjunct Professor Saint Martin’s University In common parlance, a mortgage (or Deed of Trust) includes the underlying loan (promissory note) and the security on that loan (mortgage or...
Home prices down 11% in King County
Prices dive as "distressed" home sales rise in King County The median price of houses sold in King County last month was $321,700, nearly 11 percent less than in November 2010. Brokers and analysts agree the drop largely was driven by increasing sales of "distressed...
Banker Admits Making Bad Loans
November 30, 2011 A Banker Speaks, With Regret By NICHOLAS D. KRISTOF If you want to understand why the Occupy movement has found such traction, it helps to listen to a former banker like James Theckston. He fully acknowledges that he and other bankers are mostly...
Romney on Foreclosures – Bring Them On
November 26, 2011 - New York Times Mr. Romney on Foreclosures Since the housing bubble began to burst six years ago, prices nationwide have fallen by a third. Nearly $7 trillion of home equity has been wiped out. Currently, some 14.7 million homeowners owe $700...
Declining Suburban Property Values
DRIVE through any number of outer-ring suburbs in America, and you’ll see boarded-up and vacant strip malls, surrounded by vast seas of empty parking spaces. These forlorn monuments to the real estate crash are not going to come back to life, even when the economy...

JR, am I going to lose my house?
11-21-11 From NG: Dear James, My daughter was here this evening and we were discussing how our loan modification is going right now, explained to her how mediation works. She is so worried that we'll lose the house. I told her not to worry and not to lose hope...
Separate Investment Banking from Insured Depository Banking
Dodd-Frank did not correct the problem. Banks which enjoy deposit insurance are still free to gamble with securities. A proposed bill: 112TH CONGRESS - 1ST SESSION H. R. 1489 To repeal certain provisions of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act and revive the separation between...
Obama Admin Wants To Let Banks Off Easy
The banks want California, and the Obama administration hopes they can get it. In September, the attorney general of California, Kamala Harris, withdrew from settlement talks between the banks and federal and state officials over mortgage abuses. Ms. Harris said...
Attorney Tom Cox – Audio On Robo Signing
Disturbing News from Behind Closed Doors – Attorney Thomas Cox, A Mandelman Matters Podcast WARNING: THIS IS GOING TO BE DISTURBING… Thomas Cox is a retired banking lawyer from Portland Maine. I spent a week with him at Max Gardner’s Book Camp last fall, and we...
Talcott Franklin Knows Mortgage Law
Attorney Talcott Franklin knows mortgage-backed securities inside and out. He should… his firm, Talcott Franklin P.C.whose main offices are in Dallas, in dollar terms represents more than half of all the investors in mortgage-backed securities on the planet. Tal’s...
Successful Mod with Midland
Donna bought her home in 2006. She owed $296,000 on her first mortgage and $71,000 on her second. She bought the home zero down. Her first mortgage was an ARM loan with a fixed 7.0% rate for the first five years. The index was the 6-month LIBOR and the margin was...
Hard to hire an attorney in California for modification help
See what Martin Andelman has to say about how hard it is to hire an attorney for modification help in California. This is a tricky business. Consumers who represent themselves often get a good modification. However, there a lot of pitfalls, such as knowing when you...
You Get What You Pay For
Virtually all of my modification clients tried it on their own and were turned down. Servicers will turn a borrower down and not tell them why. There are many tricks and techniques which we have learned with are not commonly known. It is to the advantage of servicers...
No Friend to the Banksters… Attorney Nick Wooten
If I have to introduce Alabama foreclosure defense attorney Nick Wooten to you, then you’re not much of a foreclosure crisis news junkie, because Nick has made headlines for his lawsuits against the banksters on behalf of homeowners as much as anyone, and a lot more...
The Bailout Should Have Helped Homeowners
TWO and a half years ago, Congress passed the legislation that bailed out the country’s banks. The government has declared its mission accomplished, calling the program remarkably effective “by any objective measure.” On my last day as the special inspector general of...
Banks Save Billions Through Modification Shortcuts
NEW YORK -- The nation's five largest mortgage firms have saved more than $20 billion since the housing crisis began in 2007 by taking shortcuts in processing troubled borrowers' home loans, according to a confidential presentation prepared for state attorneys general...

How does creative financing work?
March 27, 2011 Today I got this email from Teresa, a real estate broker: James, I have a buyer with a good down payment. They make good money, but they are self-employed, have less than perfect credit, and are having problems getting financing. They have been looking...
Subscribe to get information weekly regarding the latest information in real estate.

Creative Financing Is Seller Financing
SELLER FINANCING IS A FORM OF CREATIVE FINANCING I would like to say a few words about creative financing, also referred to as seller-financing, or a wrap-around deed of trust deal, or a lease-option deal. Creative financing includes seller financing, but it is a...
Bank of America Sued Over Trial Modification Plans
Anthony and April Soper's financial troubles were only starting last October when they applied for a mortgage adjustment through the Obama administration's Home Affordable Modification Program. Anthony and April live in Lake Stevens, Washington. Bank of America, their...
Federal Judge Rules Borrowers Can Enforce Modification
In the past it was argued that borrowers lacked standing to complain if servicers and lenders failed to modify loans because they were not parties to the Making Home Affordable modication contract between HUD and loan servicers and lenders. However, Judge Lorenz of...
Wrap-Around And Lease-Option Transactions
Wrap-around deed of trust and lease-option transactions are back. Buyers are having trouble getting financing. This reduces the number of sales. With fewer buyers prices drop. The solution in many cases is for buyers and sellers to do assumptions of existing...
Judgment Proof?
Are you Judgment Proof? Surprisingly, the best approach for some people who are deeply in debt is to take no action at all. If you're living simply (that is, with little income and property) and look forward to a similar life in the future, you may be judgment proof....

Modification Guidelines
Read the Hamp Handbook here. It will answer a lot of questions. Lenders may but are not required to reduce principal balances in a modification down to 115% of the principal balance owing. Lenders may not foreclose on a borrower who is in the process of modification...
It is Getting Harder To Modify
Lenders are starting to require income verification before putting borrowers into trial payments. Lenders are tightening modification requirements and turning down more applicants. Lenders are refusing to grant principal write-downs. Generally speaking, it is getting...
FTC tries to prevent you from hiring an attorney to assist with modification
On the mortgage modification front: Martin Andelman writes regularly regarding mortgage modification. This is latest article: The secret NPV formula used to qualify for HAMP loan modifications that no one is allowed to know. Transparency at it’s finest. Watch...
FTC Wants To Prohibit Up-Front Fees
The Federal Trade Commission is up to no good. The FTC proposes to enact a regulation which will prohibit third-party modification providers, including attorneys, from charging advance fees. See: for a summary of the proposed...
Allow Judges to Cram Down Mortgage Balances
Quoting from Martin Andelman: In the next 2-3 years, it is estimated that there will be an additional 14 million foreclosures in this country. That will make the total roughly 20 million homes lost in this catastrophic recession. But it won’t stop there. Foreclosures...
Final Modification Obtained
Philip got behind on his mortgage because his employer cut his hours. He and his wife work for the same nursery and earn only minimum wage. Philip's loan was fixed for two years at 7.5%. After that it was adjustable with a rate based on the 6-month LIBOR plus a margin...
Foreclosures Are More Profitable Than Modifications
Mortgage companies are more likely to foreclose on homeowners than modify their loans because they make more money off foreclosures, argues a new report by a consumer advocacy group. While homeowners, lenders and investors typically lose money on a foreclosure,...
Geitner Require Lenders to Make Progress on Modifications
Tim Geitnner has written the attached letter to the 25 servicers who are participating in HAMP - Home Afffordable Mortgage Program - such as CitiMortgage and Wells Fargo Bank. These servicers receive incentives for doing modifications designed under the Obama...
To My Mortgage Modification Clients
These are general instruction as to what you can do to make your modification a success. Please report to me by e-mail and/or fax any communications you have received from your lenders. When you talk with your lenders, ask for names, phone numbers, fax numbers, e-mail...
Right To Attorney Representation – Mortgage Company Interference
The Obama administration and the banks are badmouthing "third-party modification companies."The banks will do everything they can to convince you that you do not need representation. They will send forms directly to you without sending courtesy copies to your attorney...
Second Mortgage Time Bomb
Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Time Bomb: Mortgage Modification by Eugene S. Melchionne, Connecticut Bankruptcy Lawyer One of the major benefits of Chapter...
Ocwen Backs Principal Reductions
Ocwen Backs Principal Reductions, Mandatory Outsourcing to Improve HAMP By: Carrie Bay 03/03/2010 Ocwen Financial Corporation has one of the...
Farmer – Fisher Chapter 12 Bankruptcy
Chapter 12 Bankruptcy 2inShare by Douglas Jacobs, California Bankruptcy Attorney A largely forgotten form of Consumer bankruptcy is Chapter 12. ...
Mortgage Settlement Reached: A Beginning, Not an End
Mortgage Settlement Reached: A Beginning, Not an End George Zornick on February 9, 2012 - 11:05am ET It’s finally here: a massive settlement, worth...
Forgery in Missouri Foreclosures
Company Faces Forgery Charges in Missouri Foreclosures By GRETCHEN MORGENSON Published: February 6, 2012 One of the largest companies that provided...
An Easier Path to Refinancing
February 4, 2012 An Easier Path to Refinancing It is only a first step toward healing the economy’s biggest open wound, but President Obama’s new...
Bankruptcy: What Are You Waiting For?
Bankruptcy: What Are You Waiting For? by Dana Wilkinson, Attorney at Law Happy Groundhog Day! Lately the same refrain keeps cropping up in my...
Facing Foreclosure? You May Have Options
Facing Foreclosure? You May Have Options If yours is one of the nation’s estimated 14 million troubled mortgages, it can seem as though you...
Top 15 Lies About Bankruptcy
Top 15 Lies About Bankruptcy by Brett Weiss, Maryland Bankruptcy Attorney Bankruptcy is an area of the law that people avoid. They don’t want to...
Freddie Mac Screws Up Again
January 30, 2012 Treasury Investigates Freddie Mac Investment By SHAILA DEWAN The Treasury Department is investigating a report that Freddie Mac,...
Bankruptcy & Taxes
What Can I Do When Bankruptcy Doesn’t Get Rid Of The Tax? by Kent Anderson, Oregon Bankruptcy Attorney Bankruptcy can stop collection and eliminate...
Why Your Servicer Does Not Want To Modify Your Loan
No Modification for You! by Chip Parker, Jacksonville Bankruptcy Attorney For the last few years, I have witnessed a steady stream of homeowners...
Independent Foreclosure Review
Background The Federal Reserve Board issued enforcement actions against four large mortgage servicers --GMAC Mortgage, HSBC Finance Corporation,...
Swindlers, Liars, and Frauds
Problems Continue with HAMP
HAMP Not Working As Planned Recent figures show that only a small fraction of homeowners are seeing any kind of permanent relief under the federal...
Attorney Shawn Newman on Foreclosure Defense
Mortgage wizard interviews Attorney Shawn Newman on foreclosure defense.
Freddie & Fannie’s Mortgage Shell Game
Welcome to Freddie and Fannie’s Mortgage Shell Game By Shawn Timothy Newman, J.D. Adjunct Professor Saint Martin’s University In common parlance, a...
Home prices down 11% in King County
Prices dive as "distressed" home sales rise in King County The median price of houses sold in King County last month was $321,700, nearly 11 percent...
Banker Admits Making Bad Loans
November 30, 2011 A Banker Speaks, With Regret By NICHOLAS D. KRISTOF If you want to understand why the Occupy movement has found such traction, it...
Romney on Foreclosures – Bring Them On
November 26, 2011 - New York Times Mr. Romney on Foreclosures Since the housing bubble began to burst six years ago, prices nationwide have...
Declining Suburban Property Values
DRIVE through any number of outer-ring suburbs in America, and you’ll see boarded-up and vacant strip malls, surrounded by vast seas of empty...

JR, am I going to lose my house?
11-21-11 From NG: Dear James, My daughter was here this evening and we were discussing how our loan modification is going right now, explained to...
Separate Investment Banking from Insured Depository Banking
Dodd-Frank did not correct the problem. Banks which enjoy deposit insurance are still free to gamble with securities. A proposed bill: 112TH...
Obama Admin Wants To Let Banks Off Easy
The banks want California, and the Obama administration hopes they can get it. In September, the attorney general of California, Kamala Harris,...
Attorney Tom Cox – Audio On Robo Signing
Disturbing News from Behind Closed Doors – Attorney Thomas Cox, A Mandelman Matters Podcast WARNING: THIS IS GOING TO BE DISTURBING… Thomas Cox is a...
Talcott Franklin Knows Mortgage Law
Attorney Talcott Franklin knows mortgage-backed securities inside and out. He should… his firm, Talcott Franklin P.C.whose main offices are in...
Successful Mod with Midland
Donna bought her home in 2006. She owed $296,000 on her first mortgage and $71,000 on her second. She bought the home zero down. Her first mortgage...
Hard to hire an attorney in California for modification help
See what Martin Andelman has to say about how hard it is to hire an attorney for modification help in California. This is a tricky business....
You Get What You Pay For
Virtually all of my modification clients tried it on their own and were turned down. Servicers will turn a borrower down and not tell them why....
No Friend to the Banksters… Attorney Nick Wooten
If I have to introduce Alabama foreclosure defense attorney Nick Wooten to you, then you’re not much of a foreclosure crisis news junkie, because...
The Bailout Should Have Helped Homeowners
TWO and a half years ago, Congress passed the legislation that bailed out the country’s banks. The government has declared its mission accomplished,...
Banks Save Billions Through Modification Shortcuts
NEW YORK -- The nation's five largest mortgage firms have saved more than $20 billion since the housing crisis began in 2007 by taking shortcuts in...

How does creative financing work?
March 27, 2011 Today I got this email from Teresa, a real estate broker: James, I have a buyer with a good down payment. They make good money, but...
Subscribe to get information weekly regarding the latest information in real estate.

Creative Financing Is Seller Financing
SELLER FINANCING IS A FORM OF CREATIVE FINANCING I would like to say a few words about creative financing, also referred to as seller-financing, or...
Bank of America Sued Over Trial Modification Plans
Anthony and April Soper's financial troubles were only starting last October when they applied for a mortgage adjustment through the Obama...
Federal Judge Rules Borrowers Can Enforce Modification
In the past it was argued that borrowers lacked standing to complain if servicers and lenders failed to modify loans because they were not parties...
Wrap-Around And Lease-Option Transactions
Wrap-around deed of trust and lease-option transactions are back. Buyers are having trouble getting financing. This reduces the number of sales....
Judgment Proof?
Are you Judgment Proof? Surprisingly, the best approach for some people who are deeply in debt is to take no action at all. If you're living simply...

Modification Guidelines
Read the Hamp Handbook here. It will answer a lot of questions. Lenders may but are not required to reduce principal balances in a modification down...
It is Getting Harder To Modify
Lenders are starting to require income verification before putting borrowers into trial payments. Lenders are tightening modification requirements...
FTC tries to prevent you from hiring an attorney to assist with modification
On the mortgage modification front: Martin Andelman writes regularly regarding mortgage modification. This is latest article: The secret NPV...
FTC Wants To Prohibit Up-Front Fees
The Federal Trade Commission is up to no good. The FTC proposes to enact a regulation which will prohibit third-party modification providers,...
Allow Judges to Cram Down Mortgage Balances
Quoting from Martin Andelman: In the next 2-3 years, it is estimated that there will be an additional 14 million foreclosures in this country. That...
Final Modification Obtained
Philip got behind on his mortgage because his employer cut his hours. He and his wife work for the same nursery and earn only minimum wage. Philip's...
Foreclosures Are More Profitable Than Modifications
Mortgage companies are more likely to foreclose on homeowners than modify their loans because they make more money off foreclosures, argues a new...
Geitner Require Lenders to Make Progress on Modifications
Tim Geitnner has written the attached letter to the 25 servicers who are participating in HAMP - Home Afffordable Mortgage Program - such as...
To My Mortgage Modification Clients
These are general instruction as to what you can do to make your modification a success. Please report to me by e-mail and/or fax any communications...
Right To Attorney Representation – Mortgage Company Interference
The Obama administration and the banks are badmouthing "third-party modification companies."The banks will do everything they can to convince you...
Click here for links to articles about mortgage modification.
Click here to read about my back ground as an attorney. (link toabout me under
Click here to read about my background as a mortgage broker. (link to about me under
Click here to read about my pro bono work as an environmental attorney working against water fluoridation. (link to fluoride)
More about mortgage modification:
Who qualifies for mortgage modification? (link to More Information About Mortgage Modification)
Factors Which Affect the Mortgage Modification Outcome
What We Shoot For in Mortgage Modification
Some Examples of Modifiable Loans
Can You Handle Your Own Mortgage Modification?
Attorney-Based Mortgage Modification vs. Non-Attorney-Based Modification
When Should You File For Bankruptcy?
Modification of Credit Card Debt
Our Office Policies
Water fluoridation is an unhealth practice which has gone on for too long. (link to fluoride)
We should do comrehensive transportation planning. We should make a master plan for 2050. We should start building pieces of it right now. Everything we build should fit in as a piece of that plan. (link to