The office is permanently closed and is not accepting new clients.  Past clients, or other parties, can reach someone by sending an email to:  This email address is being actively monitored, but please allow some time for a response. The content remaining on this website is for informational purposes only and is no longer intended for any commercial purpose or solicitation.

If you got a HAMP or Making Home Affordable modification, you will be receiving an additional $5,000 principal reduction.

Republicans in Congress want to put an end to HAMP and Making Home Affordable modifications.

Read what Martin Andelman has to say about these developments.

We have an open telephone line to brokers, buyers, sellers, and clients in general who may need help with buying or selling real estate or who may need help with mortgage modification.

Services we offer:

Help to Brokers, Co-Brokering

Escrow Setup

Lease Option Deals

Mortgage Modification

Help to Sellers

Help to Buyers

Cleaning Up Our Drinking Water

Making Snohomish County a Better Place

Your referrals are welcomed.


James Robert Deal , Attorney
425-771-1110 telephone
425-776-8081 fax
3715 196th St SW # 2276
Lynnwood, WA 98036

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