What not to miss in the final walk-through of your new home
Originally published at The San Diego Union Tribune
by Pat Setter
It’s an exciting moment, walking into your brand-new home after it’s finally completed. But don’t let the excitement distract you from the importance of this final walk-through with the builder a few days before closing on a home. This is your chance to inspect the home, learn about the mechanics and systems, and note any areas of concern or defect.
The day of your walk-through inspection, arrive on time and in comfortable shoes — and make sure your calendar is cleared so you are free of distractions and obligations during your appointment. Be sure to bring a notebook to make a checklist, and have your smartphone handy to take photos of the items that need to be repaired, as you and your builder representative create the “punch list” of items that need attention. Point out anything you find that needs to be addressed, because after you move in you won’t be able to prove that that scratch on the kitchen countertop wasn’t caused during the move-in.
Once you have a list of repairs, your builder representative (usually a customer service professional) will go over the list and have you approve it, making sure that all your items of concern are noted. Then he or she will go about alerting the correct trade contractor to come back in and correct the work. If that’s after you have moved in, you will be contacted with the day and time the work will be attended to. Once the repairs or corrections are completed, you will need to sign off that the work was done satisfactorily.
Here are some things to look for during your walk-through:
Examine all surfaces, including cabinets, counters, fixtures, floors, windows, ceilings and walls, inside and out. Paint touchups are among the most frequently noted items.
Turn all the faucets on and off and flush the toilets to inspect for leaks.
· Open and close windows and doors to make sure they lock and seal properly.·
· Check to see whether all appliances operate, that they are the correct model and that the appliance handbook is available.·
· Don’t forget to inspect the entire property. Make sure the ground slopes away from the home, so as to avoid foundation problems and flooding. If the landscaping is already in place, look for dead plants and check for areas where water could pool.
The inspection, which can last an hour or two, is also your chance to ask questions about how things work. Be sure to ask where the shut-off valves are for gas, electricity and water in case of an emergency. Although your new home comes with a stack of instruction and warranty manuals, it’s helpful having someone demonstrate the appliances, the heating and air conditioning and the smart-home features that come with many new houses.
During this time, the builder’s representative will also go over the homeowner’s maintenance responsibilities, which are often required to keep warranties in place. Often, builders will schedule a follow-up inspection soon after you’ve moved in and another toward the end of your first year in the home, which marks the end of the warranty for workmanship and material. Small problems, such as a popped nail in the drywall, often arise as the home settles.
During this first walk-through, ask lots of questions. You may choose to have a home inspector professional perform their own inspection of the property. If so, you will need to schedule it with the builder ahead of time before your walk-through. Then, bring along your inspection report to discuss anything of note.
By being diligent upfront, you can ensure that you will be able to enjoy your new home for years to come.
For more information on real estate and recent Home Pride columns, visit:sandiegouniontribune.com/news/business/real-estate/home-pride.
James Robert Deal
Real Estate Attorney & Real Estate Managing Broker
PO Box 2276 Lynnwood WA 98036
Law Office Line: 425-771-1110
Broker Line: 425-774-6611
KW Everett Office Line: 425-212-2007
Fax: 425-776-8081
I help buyers, sellers, brokers. Flat fee payable at closing.
Property search: JamesRobertDeal.com
If you like our work, give us a thumbs up review on Zillow

Listing Broker Co-Brokerage Addendum
As both a real estate attorney and a real estate broker, I co-broker with other brokers, helping them to take more listings and service them better. This provides better service for sellers.

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James Robert Deal is both an attorney and a broker. Attorneys can become real estate agents and make more money and deliver better service as attorney brokers. Join The Deal Team with Keller Williams.
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Helping Other Brokers
I am a real estate broker and a real estate attorney. I help buyers, sellers, and other brokers throughout Washington. Call me at 425-774-6611 when your purchase or sale involves legal issues. I can often quote a flat fee payable at closing.
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Eliminate traffic congestion. James Robert Deal managing broker. Become a real estate agent.
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As both a real estate attorney and a real estate broker, I co-broker with other brokers, helping them to take more listings and service them better. This provides better service for sellers.

Call A Real Estate Attorney BEFORE You Buy or Sell
Call a real estate attorney BEFORE you buy or sell property. Call Attorney James Robert Deal at 425-774-6611. In many cases I offer a flat fee, payable at closing out of escrow.

How Much Is Your House Worth?
What is your Washington home worth? Click here to find out.

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Bothell Real Estate Attorney
I am a real estate attorney serving Bothell, Washington. Contact me at 425-771-1110 or 888-999-2022.

Real Estate Attorney And Real Estate Broker
James Robert Deal is both a real estate agent and a real estate attorney practicing in Lynnwood Washington. If He is your broker, he does not charge extra for legal work related to your transaction.

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Buyers With a Good Down Payment But Poor Credit
If you are a would-be buyer who has a good down payment and good income but poor credit, I am willing to help you buy property on a lease-option or contract basis. James Robert Deal, attorney and broker. 425-771-1110

Seeking Lease Option and Contract Sellers
Seeking Lease-Option and Seller Contract Sellers Open Phone Line to Brokers, Buyers, Sellers 425-774-6611 - 888-999-2022 I am working with...

Let Freedom Ring – Song
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Underwater Properties – Short Sales – Modification
James Robert Deal, real estate attorney and real estate agent, handles mortgage modifications and short sales.

Condo Dues – Short Sale Then Bankruptcy
Deal with unpaid condo dues by short selling the condo and going through Chapter 7 bankruptcy.

Open Telephone Line
James Robert Deal, Attorney and Broker, in Lynnwood Washington

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$5,000 Principal Reduction
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Services We Offer
We have an open telephone line to brokers, buyers, sellers, and clients in general who may need help with buying or selling real estate or who may...

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Seller Financing History
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I Help Brokers Do Seller Financed Deals
Attorney James Robert Deal helps brokers structure seller financed real estate transactions.

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Helping Sellers With Seller Financing
Attorney James Robert Deal helps sellers who are sell using seller financing, including assumptions, wrap-arounds, real estate contracts, or lease option.

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Making Home Affordable Continues
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$157,105 Wells Fargo Principal Reduction
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Eminent Domain To Modify Loans
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Fannie and Freddie Loosen Modification Guidelines
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Bank of America – Fannie Modification
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Seller Financing
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More Foreclosures Coming
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Successful Citi Modification
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Midland Mortgage Modification
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