James Robert Deal – Attorney and Broker
Open Phone Line to Brokers, Buyers, Sellers
425-774-6611 – 888-999-2022
Helping Brokers – With Seller Financing, Complex Deals
Listing Agent – helping sellers sell
Selling Agent – helping buyers buy
Lease-options, seller carry contracts
No credit – but you have a down payment and good income, so buy on lease-option
Secure income – If you are willing to sell on contract, you can get a 5% to 8% interest rate
Mortgage Modification – Foreclosure Defense
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James Robert Deal, Broker and Attorney
Broker with Agency One Realty LLC
WSBA # 8103, DOL # 39666
425-774-6611, 888-999-2022
425-776-8081 fax
James at James Deal dot com

James Robert Deal, Attorney & Broker