Seattle and Eastside home prices, after brief slowdown, surge to record highs
Home prices in Seattle have nearly doubled over the last five years, as the number of local homes for sale hits its lowest point on record.
March 7, 2017
Local home prices are surging back up again to record heights, signaling the end to the normal winter cool-down in the market.
King County’s median single-family home price was $560,000 in February, up 6.7 percent from January — the biggest one-month jump in home prices since early 2015, new data released Monday shows. The sharp increase comes after a recent trend of slowing home price growth that’s common in colder months.
The biggest price increases hit the suburbs, but the city of Seattle saw a healthy bump, as well.
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James Robert Deal, Broker and Attorney
Broker with Agency One Realty LLC
WSBA # 8103, DOL # 39666
425-774-6611, 888-999-2022
425-776-8081 fax
James at James Deal dot com
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Click here for links to articles about mortgage modification.
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More about mortgage modification:
Who qualifies for mortgage modification? (link to More Information About Mortgage Modification)
Factors Which Affect the Mortgage Modification Outcome
What We Shoot For in Mortgage Modification
Some Examples of Modifiable Loans
Can You Handle Your Own Mortgage Modification?
Attorney-Based Mortgage Modification vs. Non-Attorney-Based Modification
When Should You File For Bankruptcy?
Modification of Credit Card Debt
Our Office Policies
Water fluoridation is an unhealth practice which has gone on for too long. (link to fluoride)
We should do comrehensive transportation planning. We should make a master plan for 2050. We should start building pieces of it right now. Everything we build should fit in as a piece of that plan. (link to