by James Robert Deal | Feb 10, 2012 | Mortgage Modification
Mortgage Settlement Reached: A Beginning, Not an End George Zornick on February 9, 2012 – 11:05am ET It’s finally here: a massive settlement, worth $25 billion, with five major banks over mortgage fraud abuses. The federal government and forty-nine state...
by James Robert Deal | Feb 7, 2012 | Mortgage Modification
Company Faces Forgery Charges in Missouri Foreclosures By GRETCHEN MORGENSON Published: February 6, 2012 One of the largest companies that provided home foreclosure services to lenders across the nation, DocX, has been indicted on forgery charges by a Missouri grand...
by James Robert Deal | Feb 7, 2012 | Mortgage Modification
February 4, 2012 An Easier Path to Refinancing It is only a first step toward healing the economy’s biggest open wound, but President Obama’s new mortgage refinancing plan could provide considerable relief for millions of homeowners shackled to high interest rates. If...
by James Robert Deal | Feb 2, 2012 | Mortgage Modification
Bankruptcy: What Are You Waiting For? by Dana Wilkinson, Attorney at Law Happy Groundhog Day! Lately the same refrain keeps cropping up in my practice: why did you wait so long? I understand that very few people want to file bankruptcy, and I agree that the...
by James Robert Deal | Jan 31, 2012 | Mortgage Modification
Top 15 Lies About Bankruptcy by Brett Weiss, Maryland Bankruptcy Attorney Bankruptcy is an area of the law that people avoid. They don’t want to think that they might need its protections one day, and as a result, lies about what it can and can’t do, and what happens...
by James Robert Deal | Jan 31, 2012 | Mortgage Modification
January 30, 2012 Treasury Investigates Freddie Mac Investment By SHAILA DEWAN The Treasury Department is investigating a report that Freddie Mac, the mortgage giant, bet against homeowners’ ability to refinance their loans even as it was making it more difficult for...