by James Robert Deal | Dec 11, 2012 | Mortgage Modification
BYE-BYE DEMARCO! Obama to Replace Director of FHFA 3 You know, I was having kind of a crummy day… nothing serious, just dragging my feet a bit and grinding through some writing I’ve been working on for too long… and thinking about how nothing is changing… and then out...
by James Robert Deal | Dec 3, 2012 | Mortgage Modification
California State Bar RECENT Decision to Cause More Harm to Homeowners in Foreclosure Thanks to Martin Andelman It’s hard to imagine anything gone so totally wrong as the California State Bar’s interpretation and subsequent handling of SB 94, a law passed in...
by James Robert Deal | Nov 25, 2012 | Mortgage Modification
Giving Up and Getting Out Foreclosures are no longer a last resort, and a growing percentage of americans think it’s ok to strategically default LISA IANNUCCI Years ago, homeowners viewed foreclosure as a last resort – after all other means had been exhausted to save...
by James Robert Deal | Nov 25, 2012 | Lenders, Mortgage Modification
A residential property where the first loan was more than around $729,000 at the time of the default is not eligible for modification under the Making Home Affordable program. However, home owners with jumbo-size loans should not despair – especially if their...
by James Robert Deal | Oct 17, 2012 | Mortgage Modification
The Trillion Dollar Mistake That Triggered the Economic Meltdown Thanks to Martin Andelman It was summer, 2006, and Fed Chair Alan Greenspan had just raised interest rates for the 17th consecutive time in an effort to cool off the over-heated U.S. housing market....
by James Robert Deal | Sep 15, 2012 | Mortgage Modification
FHFA Looking to Jail Strategic Defaulters by my friend Martin Andelman The Federal Housing Finance Administration (“FHFA”), which is the agency created to oversee Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac… the one run by perhaps the least popular man in America for his...