by James Robert Deal | Mar 25, 2012 | Mortgage Modification
Freddie CEO signals GSE principal reduction could be soon By Jon Prior • March 23, 2012 • 11:14am Freddie Mac CEO Charles “Ed” Haldeman gave a strong signal Friday that new incentives from the Treasury Department may be enough to start principal reduction...
by James Robert Deal | Mar 22, 2012 | Mortgage Modification
Filing Bankruptcy And Getting Your Free House by Jay Fleischman, New York Bankruptcy Lawyer I’ve been meaning to tell you something for awhile now. It’s going to be a bitter pill to swallow, but it’s better that you know now rather than later. Someone’s be spreading...
by James Robert Deal | Mar 21, 2012 | Mortgage Modification
GUEST POST: Good for the Banks, Good for the Borrowers by Law Professor, Lauren E. Willis Good for the Banks, Good for the Borrowers By Lauren E. Willis, Professor of Law, Loyola Law School Los Angeles February 17, 2012 Beginning in 2007, the federal government took...
by James Robert Deal | Mar 18, 2012 | Mortgage Modification
FHA refinancing program means savings for those who can qualify The Obama administration’s new plan to stimulate refinancings of FHA mortgages is likely to help large numbers of homeowners cut their monthly… By Kenneth R. Harney Syndicated columnist...
by James Robert Deal | Mar 1, 2012 | Mortgage Modification
Ralph Nader: Minimum Wage Needs To Catch Up With 1968 – OpEd Written by: Ralph Nader March 1, 2012 How inert can the Democratic Party be? Do they really want to defeat the Congressional Republicans in the fall by doing the right thing? A winning issue is to raise the...
by James Robert Deal | Mar 1, 2012 | Mortgage Modification
Atty. Gen. Kamala Harris ASKS Fannie and Freddie to Stop Foreclosing Did you hear about this? California’s Attorney General, Kamala Harris has asked the Federal Housing Finance Agency, or FHFA, which is the government agency that is acting as conservator for failed...