by James Robert Deal | Aug 17, 2019 | Real Estate Broker
Is MMR Vaccine a Fraud or Does It Just Wear Off Quickly? by Joseph Mercola, DO | Guest Writer Published May 8, 2018 | Vaccination, Risk & Failure Reports In 2010, two Merck virologists filed a federal lawsuit against their former employer, alleging the vaccine...
by James Robert Deal | Aug 4, 2019 | Real Estate Broker
LED Street Lights Reduce Property Values – Harm Eyes wear blue blockers AMA adopts guidance to reduce harm from high intensity street lights ……/ama-adopts-guidance-reduce-harm-high-intensity-street-l… 1. Jun 14, 2016...
by James Robert Deal | Aug 4, 2019 | Real Estate Broker Cell Towers, Smart Meters, 5G – They All Depress Property Values Cell Towers, Antennas Problematic for Buyers July 25, 2014 An...
by James Robert Deal | Jul 23, 2019 | Real Estate Broker
From James: Smart meters reduce the value of your property. They cause fires. Some damage caused by electrical surges are not covered by insurance. James Robert Deal posted: "Thanks for the info. Sincerely, James Robert Deal Real Estate Attorney & Real Estate...
by James Robert Deal | Jun 1, 2019 | Real Estate Broker
Anti-vaxxer want informed consent and liberty Ada Drinkwater, Wife mother grandmother great grandmother Liberty & informed consent are not only the American Way, but a part of every document of medical ethics. Informed consent is also a part of the National...
by James Robert Deal | May 26, 2019 | Real Estate Broker
From James Robert Deal: Too much microwave radiation will make our cities and towns hard to live and work in. We will be fried by smart meters and 5G. The main beneficiary of smart meters are the companies that make them. The main beneficiaries of 5G will be robots....